Author Archives: admin
Do you want to expand your cash reserves?
You’ve heard of the term “cash is king”? Cash is required in businesses to pay payroll, rent, inventory and other business expenses. Businesses are cash flow dependant to survive, maintain or expand. Continue reading
Use leasing to acquire equipment and conserve cash.
Companies require cash flow to drive their business no matter what stage they are in. At early stages, most companies start out under-capitalized resulting in trying to conserve cash for capital expenditure and even basic operational expenses. Scrimping on capital expenditure such as acquisition of machinery can affect productivity and the competitive edge. Continue reading
Welcome to the IG Financial Group blog!
Hi my name is Ivan. I’m the head of the IG Financial Group and I’d like to welcome you to my blog. Here’s a little bit about myself:
My background has been in merchant banking, finance and as CFO for companies in various industries in Asia, USA and Canada. For the last 15 years, I have been involved in arranging lease finance through equipment leasing and factoring finance (accounts receivable financing) in Canada. Equipment leasing has been advantageous for companies at many different stages, and I have provided lease finance for acquisition of equipment for start ups, development stage, growth stage and even matured companies Continue reading